Charge Your Cells With

Red Light Therapy

Beyond the sunbeam: Discover the unexpected benefits of Red Light Therapy (aka Photobiomodulation.) Red light therapy is helpful for boosting collagen production, reducing wrinkles, stimulating mitochondria, for pain management, detox, and more! 

Red light therapy shines a spotlight on cellular energy

Imagine diving into a pool of warm, red light. This isn’t just a spa moment; it’s a cellular workout.

Deep within your cells, tiny power plants called mitochondria absorb the light’s energy like tiny suns. This isn’t magic, it’s science! The light fuels these “mitochondrial engines,” boosting their production of ATP, the cell’s fuel currency.

Think of it like photosynthesis for your skin: Just as plants convert sunlight into energy, red light therapy fuels your cells. This cellular boost triggers two amazing things: first, it sparks the creation of collagen and elastin, the superheroes of youthful skin. Second, it improves oxygen utilization, giving your cells a vital breath of fresh air.

Shine Brighter: Unlock the Power of Red Light Therapy 

Red Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy

Benefits of Red Light Therapy

  • Enhanced Energy & Performance: Improved circulation, oxygenation, and cellular health fuel your body for better energy and faster recovery.
  • Vibrant Skin & Hair: Stimulate collagen production for firmer, brighter skin, reduce wrinkles and sun damage, and even promote hair growth.
  • Reduced Pain & Inflammation: Soothe muscle aches, joint pain, and skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.
  • Strengthened Immune System: Boost your body’s natural defenses against illness.
  • Overall Wellness: Improved sleep, reduced stress, and a greater sense of well-being.

Multiple Red Light Options

How would you like to charge your cells?

Pick a favorite or rotate them all! We have lots of red lights to offer.

Red Light Therapy
Full Body

Lay Down

Nap for 20 minutes under this powerful and deeply relaxing light while your cells recharge. The Platinum Biomax 900 5th generation lights include wavelengths 630nm, 660nm, 810nm, 830nm, and 850nm.

Red light therapy stimulates the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, while suppressing cortisol, a stress hormone that disrupts sleep. This powerful double-whammy promotes relaxation, regulates your circadian rhythm, and leads to more restful sleep.


Red Light Facial

Add the red light facial to your lymphatic massage or enjoy it on the PEMF mat. Benefits of the Lighstim facial include:

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles: Stimulates collagen production, which plumps and smooths the skin.
  • Improves skin tone and elasticity: Increases blood flow and cellular renewal, leading to a firmer, brighter appearance.
  • Minimizes redness and inflammation: Soothes the skin and reduces irritation, helpful for conditions like rosacea.
  • Shrinks pores and reduces blemishes: Helps regulate sebum production and promotes wound healing.
  • Promotes a healthy, glowing complexion: Boosts overall skin health and radiance.
Red Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy
Full Body

Stand & Vibe

Up your experience with the whole body vibration plate at our standing red light station. This Platinum Biomax 900 7th Generation has 6 different wavelengths: 480nm, 630nm, 660nm, 810nm, 830nm, and 850nm.

Science, not sorcery

Red light therapy isn’t some mystical mumbo jumbo. Numerous studies have confirmed its effectiveness in enhancing cellular function and promoting overall well-being. So, why not turn down the lights and let your inner cellular powerhouses shine?

  • 630NM – The 630nm wavelength is ideal for targeting all manner of skin concerns.
  • 660NM – Penetrating just a little deeper than the 630nm wavelength, the 660nm reaches into the entire range of the skin tissue to promote healing and regeneration.
  • 810NM – With an ability to extend through the skull into the brain, the 810nm wavelength offers a unique array of neurological benefits. Many forward-thinking scientists are of the belief that light therapy for brain disorders will become a prominent medical treatment in the near future.
  • 830NM – The 830nm wavelength is not as readily absorbed by the body, therefore it is able to penetrate deeper through skin and tissue and into the bone. A greater quantity of photons are delivered into the tissue with the 830nm wavelength.
  • 850NM – The 850nm wavelength is the signature PlatinumLED near infra-red wavelength and constitutes 80% of the BIOMAX spectral range. In many cases, the 850nm amplifies the benefits provided by the 810nm and 830nm wavelengths.
  • 480nm – Our Standing Red Light station has the added blue lights at 480nm. Blue light can be great for skin health, killing bacteria, and treating conditions like moderate acne and rosacea. In general, it can provide better overall health and more energy.  You can read more about why they added the blue light here.

Introduction To Photobiomodultaion (PBM) and Red Light Therapy (RLT)

Red Light Therapy For Muscle Recovery

Red Light Therapy For Body Building

Red Light Therapy For Cognitive Enhancement

Red Light Therapy For Fat Loss

Red Light Therapy Dosage Guide

Declining eyesight improved by looking at deep red light

“Our study shows that it is possible to significantly improve vision that has declined in aged individuals using simple brief exposures to light wavelengths that recharge the energy system that has declined in the retina cells, rather like re-charging a battery.”

What to read research on using light therapy? Check out this extensive collection:

View Research

“It’s like laying on the beach. My mood always feels better after.'”